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Book: Childhood In a Global Perspective (2nd edition)
Authour:  Karen Wells

In the third chapter of the textbook published by Karen Wells; she examines gender, race and class.

She mentions theories from Judith Butler whom is an American philosopher and Gender theorist; that arose the notion that gender is a trait which we express and perform. Gender is not static but rather fluid and changing continuously with our behaviour in particular situations. All humans perform masculine and feminine traits. 

Common Known/ Assumed Mas./ Fem. Traits
Mic men identities gender masculinity
Mic men identities gender masculinity
Masculine Traits
men beard male lgbtq gender- Independent 
- Aggressive
- Competitive
- Tough
- Active 
- Logical 

Feminine Traits 
Mic fashion hair women style- Nurturing
- Affectionate/ Loving
- Sensual 
- Patient 
- Empathetic 
- Receptive 

Changes In Society 

- Women entering the workforce
- Men being caregivers

Melissa Lawrence

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